Saturday, March 3, 2012

Smog of civilisation

Back in Bangkok again, home away from home. It's a relief after Cambodia, which was interesting but a little frustrating and not like Thailand - or maybe pre-industrialised and touristed Thailand. The people who were not jaded were smiling and friendly. However I found that not speaking the local language was almost debilitating. I really hope my 'putonghua' (common language) or Mandarin comes together if/when I get to China.

The visa debacle continued - I now need a fax from the Foreign Affairs office of th Chinese Government to get a 3 month visa - I'm not sure I'm that important. I did try and express to the officious official that I was part of China's soft foreign policy as my studies are under the first Confucius Institute for Chinese Medicine, but she was so unimpressed! My classmates managed to get 3 months visas in London - that we'll have to renew in China in order to stay 6 months. After returning 3 times to the embassy and imploring the intransigent official I got a 2 month visa - that was the extent of her leeway as originally I was only given 30 days! If I can only renew for another 2 months I'll be back for the olympics!

Winter is coming to a close - ie it's no longer 25•C. It's hotting up in BKK and Tang and Latifa's pool at Harmony Living condo is a welcome relief after visa, lunching with family and friends and finalising funeral business in Bangkok (a year and 4 months later!).

In 2 days I make a pilgrimage to my father's birth place. It was finally revealed at his funeral that he was not born in Thailand (as he had told my mother and most Thai people) but in Swatow (in Tae Choo local dialect, Shantou in Mandarin).

Lovely email from Ah Tao, my second cousin who calls me 'Aunty Laura'.

'i will go back SHANTOU this Sat to arrange a translator and your itinerary in advance.My father and i will pick you up at the airport.'

His father is my cousin who I've yet to meet and my uncle, Dad's younger brother is called Su Pak - Pak means south but also in the womb as his father died before he was born. My dad's name was Su Nam - for north and all 3 brothers have wood character in their name which refers to the element they need to work on in Chinese 5 element theory. Wood characteristics are bending and straightening and emotion is anger!

I feel like the queen on an official state visit!

Pics are bus ride to backpacker Khao San to swap books.

Sadly didn't have my iPhone with me on my late night noodle stop. A woman came and sat opposite me with a bag of 'ahan len' or playfood whilst waiting for her order and proceeded to suck and pull out various locust body parts - wing, leg etc - from between her teeth and delicately place them on a tissue she'd laid out on our table.

Good preparation for China as mum said when we skyped this eve!

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