Through Ah Tao's brother, a medical journalist, we were introduced to Dr Chen at the Guangdong Provincial Hospital fo Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was in London last year speaking at my University!
It was fascinating seeing such a busy hospital and the techniques, including:
- a bee sting for 'bi syndrome' pain
- a man walk out who was carried in by two men 3 hours previously
- rushing to a ward to see 'jing luo' meridians show up white on a young girl
- blood letting cupping
- moxibustion ward.
I met my youngest, richest cousin Wen Ying, who invited me for Sichuan hotpot. Waiting to be cooked at the table were plates of:
- duck blood
- pigs brains
- duck intestines.
Perhaps it was Rachel saying the brain was good for our brains that made me bravehearted. I actually tried the lot! The brain was too creamy and intestine too chewy for my palate!
Then we were chauferred around in a BMW SUV to the oldest daoist and Buddhist temples and old school.
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